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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The United States Federal Reserve will begin its meeting with the possibility of a significant interest rate rise

USThe United States Federal Reserve will begin its meeting with the possibility of a significant interest rate rise

The US central bankers began their two-day coverage meeting on Tuesday in the midst of a soaring inflation rate that has sparked speculation that the Federal Reserve may approve the biggest significant increase in interest rates in more than 27 years.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell has indicated that policymakers are set to adopt another half-point increase in the benchmark borrowing rate this week and another one next month. These two increases are expected to take effect in the coming weeks.

However, an increasing number of people are calling for a more aggressive increase in interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point in response to the large and unexpected rise in the consumer price index in May. This rise went against the general consensus that the data would show that inflationary pressures were beginning to ease.

A representative for the Federal Reserve verified that the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets policy, began at the planned time of 1500 GMT. On Wednesday at 1800 GMT, the markets will be given the option to speed up.

Officials will discuss the appropriate level of an increase in interest rates for borrowing money in the face of rising prices and concerns over a return to stagflation similar to that which occurred in the 1970s if their attempts to slow the economy also stifle growth.

After bringing the interest rate to zero in March 2020 in an effective effort to assist the world’s largest economic system keep away from a devastating downturn and recover quickly from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve has raised rates twice, including a significant increase of half a point just recently.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine added further fuel to the inflation flames, sending food and gas prices hanging in the air. Low loan rates and the boost from substantial government stimulus caused demand to surpass supply in the midst of global supply chain snarls, which pushed prices higher.

A boost to their credibility or a rude awakening? – Economists believed that March was the highest point of the CPI; nonetheless, the rate surged in May, climbing 8.6 percent over the course of the most recent year.

Analysts from Barclays voiced their opinion in a statement that “given the most recent evidence on inflation, we think that risk-management concerns demand for robust action to strengthen the Fed’s inflation-fighting credibility.”

If those in charge of policy make a decision to take a significant action, it might be the first increase of 75 basis points since November of 1994.

However, some experts believe that the significant move is unnecessary and might be seen as a sign of fear. They suggest that the Federal Reserve should instead implement a further half-point rise in September.

In an analysis, Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Macroeconomics predicted that “margins will compress and inflation will fall much quicker than markets and the Fed think.” This prediction was based on the fact that supply was becoming better and demand for products was getting lower in comparison to services.

He made a point of saying that the majority of the factors that are driving the price surges are “beyond of the Fed’s control, including oil prices.”

The general opinion is that policymakers should stick to the plan, and central bankers are sometimes hesitant to shock markets, despite the fact that they assert their decisions are “data driven” and may be adjusted in response to changing circumstances.

According to Karl Haeling of LBBW, markets are factoring in at least one 75-basis-point increase during the next three conferences; but, the likelihood of that happening this week is “50-50.”

We anticipate that they will most likely refrain from increasing rates by 75 basis points in order to limit the possibility of an even more severe decline in the stock market. However, the onslaught of Fed officials who will be delivering public views following Wednesday would undoubtedly imply that a rate cut of 75 basis points is absolutely likely at the FOMC meeting in July,” he remarked.

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