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Saturday, July 27, 2024

SEA Praises House Approval of Chance to Compete Act, Hailing it as a Step Towards Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses

USSEA Praises House Approval of Chance to Compete Act, Hailing it as a Step Towards Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses

The Senior Executives Association (SEA) has applauded the recent passage of the Chance to Compete Act in the House of Representatives, calling it a major step forward in leveling the playing field for small businesses.

The act, which aims to increase competition in federal procurement by giving small businesses a greater opportunity to bid on government contracts, was passed by the House with strong bipartisan support. The SEA, a professional association representing senior career executives in the federal government, has been a vocal supporter of the legislation.

In a statement, the SEA’s President, Bill Valdez said, “The Chance to Compete Act will help to ensure that small businesses have a fair shot at winning federal contracts, which will ultimately lead to more competition and better value for taxpayers.”

The act includes several key provisions to help small businesses compete for government contracts, such as:

  • Setting a goal for federal agencies to award at least 25% of contracts to small businesses
  • Creating a pilot program to test new ways to increase small business participation  infederal procurement
  • Improving access to capital for small businesses by increasing the amount of surety bond guarantee programs
  • Enhancing outreach and education efforts to inform small businesses about opportunities to compete for federal contracts

The SEA has long been a proponent of small business participation in federal procurement, arguing that it leads to greater competition and better value for taxpayers. In recent years, the group has called for some changes to the procurement process, such as streamlining and simplifying the bidding process and increasing transparency in the award process.

The Chance to Compete Act is a significant step forward in achieving these goals, and the SEA is encouraged that it has passed the House with such strong support. The association is now calling on the Senate to quickly take up the legislation and pass it into law.

The act’s passage is also welcomed by Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabel Guzman, who said, “This legislation will help level the playing field for small businesses, increase competition in the federal marketplace, and ultimately lead to better value for the taxpayer. The SBA is committed to working with Congress to advance policies that support small businesses and we are pleased to see this legislation move forward.”

The Chance to Compete Act has the potential to significantly impact the federal procurement process by giving small businesses a greater opportunity to participate. If passed into law, it could lead to increased competition and better value for taxpayers, which is something that everyone can agree on. The SEA is eager to see this legislation become law and looks forward to working with the Senate to make that happen.

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