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Germany Commits Additional 50 Million Euros in Relief for Earthquake Victims

WorldGermany Commits Additional 50 Million Euros in Relief for Earthquake Victims

The German government has announced an additional 50 million euros in relief for those affected by the recent earthquake that hit the region. The announcement was made by Chancellor Angela Merkel in a press conference on Monday.

The earthquake, which struck on February 15th, has caused significant damage to homes and infrastructure, and has left many people without basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. The German government has been providing aid to the affected areas since the earthquake hit, but this additional funding will help to further support the recovery effort.

“The devastation caused by this earthquake is immense, and we are committed to doing all that we can to help those who have been affected.”

The additional funding will be used to provide emergency relief to those who have been impacted by the earthquake, including shelter, food, and medical assistance. It will also be used to support the longer-term recovery effort, including rebuilding homes and infrastructure that have been damaged.

The German government has also called on other countries to support the relief effort. “This is not just a German issue, but an international one,” said Chancellor Merkel. “We must all come together to support those who have been affected by this tragedy.”

The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.3, struck in the early hours of February 15th and was felt across a wide area. At least 30 people have been confirmed dead, and hundreds more have been injured.

The relief effort is expected to be ongoing for several months as the affected areas work to recover from the devastation caused by the earthquake. The German government has committed to providing ongoing support throughout the recovery process, and has urged other countries to do the same.

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