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Former President Donald Trump May Face Prosecution for Role in Capitol Riot, Justice Department Says

USFormer President Donald Trump May Face Prosecution for Role in Capitol Riot, Justice Department Says

Former President Donald Trump may be facing legal repercussions for the damages caused by the incident on January 6 at the United States Capitol. The Justice Department has stated that he will not have immunity, and may be prosecuted for his alleged role in inciting the riots.

According to sources, the Justice Department has been reviewing evidence and has found that there is sufficient basis to move forward with legal action against the former president. The department’s decision was influenced by the fact that Trump is no longer in office and does not have the presidential immunity that would have protected him from legal action while he was in power.

The January 6 incident was a dark day in American history. A mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building, vandalising offices and causing chaos. The incident resulted in the deaths of several people and left many more injured. Trump’s speech prior to the incident has been cited as a key factor in inciting the violence.

The Justice Department has not yet confirmed what charges Trump may face. However, legal experts suggest that he could be charged with inciting a riot, sedition, or even conspiracy to commit a crime. If found guilty, he could face fines, imprisonment, or both.

Trump’s legal team has not yet commented on the Justice Department’s decision. However, they have previously argued that Trump did not incite violence and that his speech was protected under the First Amendment.

The decision by the Justice Department to pursue legal action against Trump has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised the move as a necessary step towards holding those responsible for the January 6 incident accountable. Others, however, argue that it is a politically motivated move that could further divide the country.

The investigation into the January 6 incident is ongoing, and it is unclear when charges against Trump, if any, will be filed. However, the decision by the Justice Department to pursue legal action against him marks a significant development in the aftermath of the incident.

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