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As Zelenskyy warns that the world must not turn a blind eye, fierce fighting can be seen in the east of Ukraine

WorldAs Zelenskyy warns that the world must not turn a blind eye, fierce fighting can be seen in the east of Ukraine

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his country’s armed forces have been “doing everything” to put a stop to the Russian onslaught, which has resulted in deadly fighting in the east and the south of the country.

On Friday, Kyiv said that it has initiated further air attacks in the occupied southern province of Kherson. This region was one of the key regions to be acquired by Russia during the invasion that took place on February 24.

But Zelenskyy stated on Friday that “very difficult battles” were still going on, including in the eastern Donbas area. In addition, Zelenskyy stated that “very difficult battles” were still going on in the western Donbas area.

According to Zelenskyy, who made the statement in a tackle, “Ukrainian forces are trying everything to halt the advance of the invaders.”

“Allow them to do so to the extent that the heavy weapons and contemporary artillery — everything that we have asked for and will continue to ask our allies for”

In the territory around Mykolaiv, which is located close to the front line in the south, the regional governor has taken into consideration the urgent need for international military assistance.

“The Russian army is more formidable, they have a lot of artillery, and they have a lot of ammunition. This is mostly an artillery battle for the time being… “and we are out of ammunition,” Vitaliy Kim stated. “We have nothing left.”

During his takedown of the opponent, Zelenskyy remarked that Ukraine must “not allow the world to distract its focus away from what is occurring on the battlefield.”

People in the city of Lysychansk, which is located just on the other side of a river from Severodonetsk, spoke with AFP about the harsh choice they faced, which was to either stay and brave the bombardment or to evacuate and abandon their homes.

According to Yevhen Zhyryada, who is 39 years old, the only way to get access to water was to go to a water distribution facility in the city.

He said, “We must get there when they are shelling us and while we are being fired at.”

“This is how we make it through the day.”

As a result of the conflict, shockwaves have been felt all over the globe, and there are growing concerns about the possibility of a worldwide food catastrophe. This is especially concerning given that Ukraine is an agricultural powerhouse and a significant grain exporter.

A consultant to French President Emmanuel Macron indicated that France was willing to assist in an operation to facilitate safe passage into the port of Odessa, which is located on Ukraine’s Black Sea coast.

The country has been subject to a de facto embargo by Russia, despite the fact that food is ready to be transported.

After sparking controversy not so long ago by stating Russia should not be humiliated, Macron’s adviser emphasised that France wants “success for Ukraine.”

After weeks of warnings from the United States and its allies that Russia was contemplating an invasion of Ukraine, Moscow on February 24 began to pour its soldiers throughout the border into Ukraine.

On Friday, US Vice President Joe Biden said that US President Zelenskyy had disregarded these warnings.

During a campaign fundraiser, Joe Biden said, “There was no question, and Zelensky and a lot of other folks didn’t want to hear it.” “I see why they didn’t want to hear it,” you said. “I get why.”

The conflict has left Ukrainian towns in ruins and caused the displacement of hundreds upon thousands of people, while also heightening tensions in European countries.

On Friday, representatives from nine of these countries — Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia — pleaded with NATO to strengthen its eastern border.

After the pro-Kremlin separatist authorities in the Donetsk region of the Donbas condemned to death three Britons, namely Aiden Aslin, Shaun Pinner, and Saadun Brahim of Morocco, western international locations responded this week with recent anger.

According to the German ministry in charge of abroad affairs, the “terrible” sentences demonstrate “once again Russia’s utter disdain for international humanitarian law.”

The United Nations issued a warning that unjust trials of prisoners of war constituted criminal acts amounting to war crimes.

During an unexpected visit by the UK defence secretary Ben Wallace, Zelenskyy gave special appreciation to British management and thanked them for their assistance in Kyiv’s struggle against Russia.

In a video statement, Zelenskyy made the claim that Britain demonstrates leadership on the topics of “weapons,” “finance,” and “sanctions.”

The Ukrainian capital of Kyiv has come under fire from a number of countries, including Germany and France, for the slow delivery of supplies and for giving an inordinate lot of credibility to conversations with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Russia has frequently urged the West against becoming involved in the conflict, and some Russian commanders have even warned of the risk of nuclear warfare.

The international organisation that monitors the use of chemical weapons said on Friday that it was keeping a close eye on Ukraine to look out for “threats of using hazardous chemicals as weapons.”

Putin has said that the purpose of the military operation that Russia refers to as its own is to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, which may imply that he is just taking back land.

In spite of this, Zelenskyy stated on Friday that Russia’s claim that Ukraine was “artificially created” was just as preposterous as saying that Ukrainians were “not humans but a variety of plants or a species of animals.” The conversation took place with college students from British universities and was carried out by way of a video hyperlink.

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